Friday 22 February 2019

Nothing to Give

 closeup photo of empty teacup

Their eyes widened as I told them that I had nothing prepared. I told them that I had nothing to give them, no profound word to share. But God had prepared me; I just didn’t know it until I started talking.

The firefighters who I share a verse and a prayer with couldn’t believe that I arrived unprepared. I’m sure they were thinking how can she come unprepared to help us? Didn’t Jesus tell us to prepare for rain even if it doesn’t look like its coming?

Ignoring their surprise, I told them about my cup. I had nothing to give them because my cup is empty. The stresses and worries of life have dried my cup out, leaving it dry like a desert.

I’m going to ask you now….what does your cup look like? Is it empty like mine? Maybe it’s half full or half empty? Or, it’s overflowing, and if it’s overflowing, is it overflowing with blessings or burdens?

As I told them about my cup, I realised that I have a choice…to either leave it empty or find how I can fill it up again.  I have the faith to ask God to take my cup and fill it with his blessings.

Having no scripture verse to share with them, I encouraged them to read their favourite Bible verse and think about how it relates to their cup.

What are you going to do about your cup?
Leave it or ask God?

God is our living water that, with faith and belief, will fill our cup with blessings and even make it overflow it with His grace and love but we have to be willing to give Him our cup and allow Him to fill it His way.

Will you allow God to pour His living water into your cup?

Ask God to fill it and overflow it with all the gifts He can give.

But for me and my cup, I place it at God’s feet, asking for the guidance I need, for His water I thirst and the grace He bestows.

“I tell you the truth, whoever gives you a drink of water because you belong to the Christ will truly get his reward”. Mark 9:41

 person pouring beverage on mug

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