Monday 12 August 2019

Failing Faith


Failure is a part of life. Failure is how we learn through trial and error. Without failure, we can't succeed. But what about failing in faith? I don't mean failing in faith through sin but failing in faith. Failing in the things we can't see but feel.


Faith is the ability to believe in the things we can't see. Faith is what makes us keep believing in God. We can read about Him, speak to Him but we don't always see Him but we know that He is always there. If we know all this and feel so strongly, deeply, rooted in our faith, how can we fail in faith?


We fail by losing our way, distancing ourselves and stop studying God's word. Many times, we find ourselves listening to the devil more than God's voice. The devil's voice which convinces us that things won't get better, that sin is fun, that "trying" is useless and being blessed is not as good as it sounds. Listening to the wrong voice lays the path to fail in our personal faith. God doesn't leave us, we leave God.

Personally, my faith is failing through my human nature, being lazy and feeling lost. I can feel cracks starting to form in my faith foundation and that bothers me. Not going to church and reading my Bible has also been part of my faith dwindling. My prayers have become minimized to next to nothing. And I know exactly what you want to say - WHY?  That's a good question!

Life changed, decisions I made didn't turn out the way I wanted and so I allowed the devil's darkness to circle around me, causing me to lose my light from God, my faith of foundation to dwindle and losing my voice to turn to the one voice that never fails. When my faith fails, everything else gets put aside, especially the gifts God has blessed me with, like my passion for writing, my love for reading and the desire to share it with others.


Failing faith is like seeing grey, rain clouds floating in the sky but never sharing the gift of rain drops. So, how do we turn our "failing faith" to "finding faith"?

We do this by going back to basics, where it all began. For me, it's a quiet room, alone, with my own thoughts and talking it out with God, letting Him know that I am failing and asking Him to teach me so I can learn. Thanking Him for the things I have, whether I "really" realise it or not at the moment. When your faith fails, you fail with the people around you too. Every action has a consequence!

Failing faith is personal and often difficult to explain or share with others because we all have different relationships with God and view our faith differently.


How is your faith looking?
Are you where I am or are you flying with faith, fully in sync with God?

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