Wednesday 30 December 2020

This F..... Year

All around us, we hear and read about 2020 and how everyone just wants to pass it and leave it where it history. I don't usually focus too much on letters and what they often represent but this year, my letter has been F!


Man, has my faith been tried, tested and taken a dive into the abyss. I still pray but my prayers have been "sheltered", "quiet" and lacking emotion. The pandemic has caused a lot of us to stop doing the things we love, need and appreciate. Church is community but also a place of peace, especially when you don't have your own personal space. 

I believe that God is testing our faith, our ability to pray and reminding us, like Matthew 6: 6 to go into a room, close the door and pray where no one can see you and hear you. This is one of my favourite verses because your prayers should be private and personal. This is the time you spend alone with God, your space to cry out, praise up and dive into yourself with God's guidance. 

My faith this year has been a necessity but also a failure. How has your faith felt this year?


Are you shaking your head at that word like me? Oh, how money has been a constant cause for worry lines, grey hairs and coffee binging....From resigning over a year ago, to unable to find a job because of the pandemic, I realised that since leaving college I have been spoiled because I have never hit rock bottom until now. 

Debt is like sin. It is something that we choose to do but often irresponsibly. Debt can be damaging to your being, mentally, physically and emotionally. 

However, this year, I have learnt that money can easily become your master and rather than let it happen, do your best by paying it as best you can this year but also let God guide your swipes, your pocket and your budget. 


Fear of the unknown is real in 2020! So, return to faith - believing in the unknown but not being afraid of it! Is God giving us the exam of a lifetime or what?! A pandemic sweeps the earth filling us with fear, faith and reflection.

I walk around outside wearing a mask, sanitising my hands, feeling uncomfortable and feeling like an alien in my own country. We fear the virus, we fear the person next to us in the shop, we fear to touch and we fear to try. 

Fear is a real emotion that we face everyday at some point. If we are able to express how much faith we have in our God, then why do we fear? Doesn't God tell us to fear not because He is near...always!


How are you feeling about your future? Faithful? Financially stable? Fearful? Or are we not even going there? 

2020 has caused me to make some tough decisions about my future. From trying to get a business started (which I'm always working on) to returning to work full time, I have had to sacrifice being a work from home to a working mom. It dampens my mood but for the sake of my family, it must be done. 

My passion will always be writing but I do enjoy helping others get organised and motivated to encourage them to succeed. Like my faith, my future cannot be seen, it is unknown but I believe that God is guiding me to succeed at His plans that will make me prosper and fulfil my purpose.

In closing, of course, I can add a few other "F's" but I think my post might be removed - LOL!

What letter represents your 2020?! 

So, as I social distance myself into 2021, I pray that we all have a better letter year, the discipline for us to help rid of this pandemic but most of all, appreciate all that God has given us and ask Him for forgiveness and return to Him.

Happy New Year to you all!!

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