Monday 20 December 2021

The Realisation of Reality

We look in the mirror to avoid aging. We reflect to avoid regret. We stop thinking to avoid the lesson. We avoid realising to ignore reality. 

What does realisation of reality mean for you?

Reality in 2021 is like a Rubik's cube. Each side can either be one colour or many colours but it never seems to stay the same even if it looks the same. Reflection on my 2021 reality has been filled with illness, grief, success and wonderment. Growth in faith, fiction and family too. 

Like each person, COVID-19 has become a part of life. Experiencing it, voicing it and adapting to it. Making decisions based on facts and fiction surrounds our minds with information. I have watched COVID come into my life, I have had COVID and now, we deal with it every day. 

Life in a pandemic time for children is sheltered with exception. It's trying to encourage exploration within limitations and boundaries not necessarily set by parents but the world around us. 

Working full-time is another new reality for me and balancing home and work has become my new aerobic class. The need to provide and stay sustainable has become my work reality again. Passion and purpose is reserved again for after hours. 

ends my day. Sleep becomes me like a warm blanket on a cold night. Fatigue drains my humor and wearies my body. Fatigue is my new companion, embracing me at times when I need energy and focus.

There is no important point of this post but a tired woman's rambling, random thoughts of the ending of another year. 

The older I get, the more loss I experience. Loss of loved ones, loss of self and loss of time. 

With all the rambling written and shared, I will always remain blessed, faithful and smiling. God is my eternal rock who allows me rely on Him, my family are my pebbles who help me keep moving and my friends are the gravel beneath my feet, tickling me with laughter on many days.

As I say farewell to 2021, I look with eagerness, passion and promise towards 2022. 

May your 2021 end off with life, love and laughter and 2022 be filled with blessing and purpose.

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