Monday 7 December 2015

Where is your road leading to?

Isaiah 35: 8 says, "A road will be there; this highway will be called "The Road to Being Holy". Where is your road leading to?

We are all reminded that on earth, our life is a journey we take and our journey's road ultimately leads to somewhere. But where? Is your road leading you to fame, fortune or faith?

Further in Isaiah 35 in verse 10 says that this road will be for the people that God saves and the people that the Lord has freed will return. Will you be on this road?

What does your road look like? Mine, is long and it has cracks that God has filled with His living water. Mine also has speed bumps which some I have stumbled over and I'm sure I have some more coming but each time I stumble, I learn and turn back to the one who put me there. Sometimes, I think I skipped walking on my path, took a taxi and jumped a few miles ahead before I should have.

God didn't say our road had to look perfect, feel wrinkle free, and flow smoothly. He just wants us to let Him road trip with us. 

What do you think is at the end of your road? Well, I like to think and believe that the city of God is at the end of mine and a room awaits in His house for me. Will you be there in His house?

Every festive season, we are also reminded to put Christ back into Christmas but how can we expect people to do that if they haven't put Christ back in their life first? The birth of Jesus Christ was the beginning of our saving grace.

This festive season, I urge you to sit back, take a look at your road and where it's leading to. Is God traveling with you? Are you listening to Him guiding you? Telling you which way to go, which speed bumps to avoid?

Or you haven't invited Him yet? That's okay too. God doesn't put a time limit on His offer to save, bless and love. Consider it this festive season. Consider celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ this year by inviting Him to save you, forgive you and give you rebirth.

They will enter Jerusalem with joy,
and their happiness will last forever.
Their gladness and joy will fill them completely,
and sorrow and sadness will go far away
Isaiah 35: 
Never forget: You don't have to be perfect to be perfectly loved by God!

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