Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Lone Wolf

The wolf howls on the top of the mountain in front of a full moon….alone.  The pack can hear but she is not like them even though she is part of their pack. She thinks differently, walks differently, talks differently. The wolf takes part of the pack’s activities. She loves her pack but yet is still alone.  The wolf still howls at the moon, alone. 

How many of us know a lone wolf?

She sits in the corner, watching. She watches from the outside, looking in. The lone wolf smiles at the right things and quietly answers the questions being asked but deep down, she is misunderstood.

The lone wolf’s heart is guarded and often has many scars on it. Being understood hurts especially when the misunderstanding is from the ones she loves. She howls at night to let other lone wolves know that their loneliness is respected yet they don’t have to be lonely if they don’t want to be.

She hurts but inside. She cries, in a room alone. She feels when others can’t see, can’t sense.  Her mind, her heart and her spirit is locked like a vault.  A vault with a code that only certain chosen ones get to use it.

Each lone wolf is loved and a part of a pack. It’s just that the pack doesn’t fully grasp how the lone wolf’s brain and heart works. How the lone wolf perceives the world around them.

Are you a lone wolf?

The lone wolf is often a beast of beauty. Her vicious eyes glow in the light of night. She roams the darkness for love not meat. The lone wolf is often the one with a good heart, a body of faith. Many people around her don’t get to see the lone wolf’s full potential because they don’t understand and see the lone wolf’s true being.

Do you look from the outside in?

But there is one, one who sees all. We might not fully comprehend and understand the lone wolf but someone does. He sees right through her.  He sees what lies in her heart, what lies on her heart, what makes her heart beat.

Are you misunderstood?

He envelopes her in love, folds her in faith and holds her in hope. He gives her the confidence she needs to embrace being the lone wolf, the confidence to try and step out the corner, out of the night light into the light of the sun.

He is GOD.

 "For My eyes are on all their ways;
 they are not hidden from My face, 
nor is their iniquity concealed from My eyes"
Jeremiah 16:17

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