Monday 20 June 2016

Unknown Waters

We all get scared when we make a life-changing decision because most of the time these decisions make us walk into “unknown waters”. No matter how prepared we are or think we are we’re still not prepared enough.

From this month, I am stepping into the unknown and it excites and terrifies me at the same time. My faith, strength and courage will be tested more than once. In my mind, I am prepared but the heart is yet to be taught and prepared.

The unknown made me think how a Captain must feel. Each time he stands behind the wheel, knowing the vessel inside-out and he floats out into familiar waters but even though the waters feel familiar, it is still unknown to the Captain. The ocean is never the same. The flow of the tides change, temperatures change, sea life changes and even the colour changes and no matter how the Captain is prepared, he must still get slightly anxious returning to the unknown, familiar waters. The waters he loves but respects its unstable behaviour. The Captain is prepared but not yet taught.

How many unknown, unlikely people did God prepare for His work to walk into “unknown waters”? Even Jesus walked into “unknown waters” when God told Him where to go and who to preach to. God prepares us even when we don’t realise it but He allows us to teach our heart to follow him into the “unknown”.

So, in the mid of the scary unknown what do I or we need to do? How do we change our fear of following God’s will into the unknown to the happiness of allowing God to work with us in the unknown?

We focus on our Shepard Jesus who walks alongside us. We pray to our King, God and we listen to our guide, The Holy Spirit. Because in this present, broken world filled with the scary unknown, it’s all we can do.

Even though, we feel alone in the dark, we never are. Many times, we create our own fear, imagining possible events in the unknown. But know this for sure, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are with us to teach our heart with our prepared mind.

God is our protection and our strength.
He always helps in times of trouble.
So we will not be afraid even if the earth shakes,
Or the mountains fall into the sea,
Even if the oceans roar and foam,
Or the mountains shake at the raging sea.
Ps.  46:1

PS: I walked into my “unknown waters” and I was intimidated which made me terrified but I won’t stop trying because only God knows whether He wants me there and I have to learn to trust Him because with God, anything is possible!

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