Monday 15 August 2016


Then I will go to the altar of God,
to God who is my joy and happiness
I will praise you with a harp,
God, my God
Psalm 43:4

Last week, the word "joy" popped up everywhere. On the television, in books and talking people. I'm still out of focus so just sent a "Still not getting the message, Lord" above and went with the flow.

Then, Saturday afternoon arrived and once again, I was asked to share scripture and pray for others in front of others on Sunday. It's amazing how jobs always have aspects about them, you don't like doing. Like most humans, nerves and fear kicked in and different ideas ran through my mixed up mind.

Anyway, so I decided to share "joy"with them, especially since this was my word (apparently!) for the week. I encouraged them to see the joy in all things and aspects of their lives whether it was going good or bad. In my ears, it didn't sound "powerful" but I noticed smiles and heads nodding.

Sunday afternoon came and  I had to say good-bye to family members who have decided to seek adventures, challenges and changes in another land. Yip, you got it! And that's when JOY hit me. I wasn't upset to say good-bye and no tears seemed to fall. I returned home and I pondered and realised what God's message was for me. I also had to see JOY in all areas of my life.

I am so happy for my family because God is guiding them to bigger and greater blessings. Of course, I will miss them but don't we keep telling each other how we want each other to be happy regardless of what it is or where it needs to happen?  God wants to give them blessings that we can't give and I realised that sometimes God makes us suffer to better others and in the long run I have no doubt this change will be a blessing to me too.

JOY is in the tears we cry to say GOOD BYE
JOY is in the smile we share to show we CARE
JOY is in the pain we feel to start to HEAL
JOY is in the way God FORGIVES
JOY is finally all and more that God GIVES


So, this week seek JOY in EVERYTHING!

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