Thursday 4 August 2016

Blank and Silent

My focus has lessened. I sit here typing, trying to think of what to write about this week. The page is as blank as my mind. God is silent while the body seems to be too busy. I can't pray, can't read scripture yet feel the immense pull to love the people around me.

One thought I have been thinking about is butterflies. A specific butterfly. For many days, when I am alone in body and mind, a pale yellow winged butterfly would fly near me. It would flutter a few times nearing me and then fly off, not to be seen again until next time.


I have been considering that maybe God is reminding me that even though He is silent, He is always right next to me, working in my life, laying the bricks on my path for His next step for me.

Maybe God is trying to encourage me to be silent. Silent without distractions like the noise of pages being turned trying to find the scripture God wants me to read or trying to find the words to pray properly.

It's interesting how we are so scared of silence. Silence means actually sitting in our own presence with our own thoughts. Why does silence scare us so much? Why does silence make us think that something must be wrong?

Maybe God falls silent so we will fall silent too so He can actually step forward and speak to us, knowing that we have finally allowed ourselves to listen to our own breathing and our own heartbeat.

So, here I sit with a page that started being blank but now with God's grace has been filled. However, I shall try to sit in silence with a closed Bible and quiet mouth, giving God a chance to do what He does best.......Bless me with His blessed whispers.

 Image result for Pictures of God being silent

 Even fools seem to be wise if they keep quiet;
if they don't speak, they appear to understand.
Proverbs 17:28

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