Wednesday 5 November 2014

Two Houses, Two Doors, Two People

I stand in the middle of the street, looking up. On the vast incline, in front of me stand two houses, two doors, and two people.

On the left is a woman who lives in a house with seven columns. She likes to entertain people and regularly prepares her food and wine. She sets her table and tells her servant girls to go out the house and shout to the city below, “Come in here, you uneducated people! Come and eat my food and drink the wine I have prepared. Stop your foolish ways and you will live; take the road of understanding.”

Whether they listen or not, no one makes fun of her as she always finds a way to insult them among the people. She will often tell you not to correct those who make fun of her as they will hate you. She tells you to correct those who have knowledge and they will love you.

She likes to teach and teaches the knowledgeable so they will gain more. She teaches good people so they will lean more on her.

It is said that she begins by respecting the Lord and her understanding begins with knowing the Holy One.

Out of her big window, she talks just loud enough to be heard and to anyone who will listen, “Live wisely and you will live long. Knowledge will add years to your life. I will reward those you are knowledgeable but those who make fun of it will suffer”.

I watch the people around me, some listen, some ignore and some, like me, stand deciding. I find myself listening often to these words; the words to my left and the words to my right.

On my right is yet another who shouts to the people below. She is loud and possesses no knowledge. She, unlike the other, sits at the door of her house, shouting aimlessly, also to anyone who will listen below “Come in, you foolish people! My stolen water is sweeter, and food eaten in secret tastes better”.

There are no servant girls who shout for her, just her lazily sitting on her chair, always loud and rambunctious. Her ways seem to entice many.

I watch often and notice that the people that enter in this door never come out. This choice often leaves them deep in despair or in the grave.

On the left lives Wisdom, who is always prepared to share, to teach and help people gain understanding.

On the right lives Foolishness, who only shares to gain whatever she can from others for her own selfish gain.

Is good vs. evil, God vs. Devil not the same?

God wants us to learn from Him, gain knowledge, prepare ourselves for his blessings and then share them with others. When we do good things, we can feel the impact it has in ourselves as a person. It makes us warm inside and makes us smile outside.

The Devil entices us to short cuts, easy “way outs” so he can then turn it around use us for his own enjoyment and gain. Evil makes us feel powerful but for how long? Eventually we either get caught or the feeling of emptiness returns.

In our life, we often have difficult decisions to make; we too have voices to our right and our left ear, telling us which way to turn. Would it help if, in our minds, we were standing in the street, looking and listening to the houses on the incline?

Which door would you choose - Lady Wisdom or Lewd Foolishness?

Proverb 9

Friday 10 October 2014

Flows softly, Hits hard

Water can flow gently like when the  tide trickles in over the sand but the water further into the sea can capsize a boat, over turn a surfer, hits hard like a wall.

I think, as our parent God can be the same for us. When we listen to His voice and obey His commands, His love flows through us gently, the Holy Spirit fills us like water fills a glass. But when we do wrong, God can punish us and then His love hits us like big waves, hard as rock.

We all need water to live. All creation needs water to survive. We also need God, the Living water, to be truly alive. When we drink a glass of water, it fills us, quenches our thirst and makes us feel refreshed. In John 4: 13, Jesus tells us that "everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life." God does the same for us.

When water sets it becomes hard, turning into ice. Ice is tough to break and can only be chipped away with a sharp object, like a ice pick. Today, sculptures are made out of ice. The artist chips away at the ice, chipping in specific directions and once completed, you are left with a masterpiece of art for everyone to enjoy. God's saving grace, to me, is quite similar. Some of us, before accepting God into our life, had a cold, hard exterior but God, who never gives up on us, keeps chipping away in different, specific directions until He is left with someone who He knows He created beautifully inside and out, for all around to love and enjoy.

Water is soft yet hard enough to hold up Jesus as He walked on the sea. Jesus had faith that the water could hold him but Peter doubted, he lacked faith (Matt. 14: 22 - 36). Aren't we like Peter? God is our water who does have the strength to hold us up but many times we doubt our faith and we fall to the bottom of our water filled glass, struggling to get up. But if we keep drinking God's living water, we too will be able to stay above the surface.

 If Jesus could turn water into wine at a wedding feast, imagine what God can bestow upon you!

Thursday 11 September 2014

"I loved you before I met you"

A very popular song has the words "I loved you before I met you". This verse says "commitment and love" to us. Do you know that someone is committed to you? Do you know that someone does love you?

Commitment defined is "the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc." Synonyms are dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity and bond.

When we get married or attend a wedding, we are reminded that we need to be committed to our partners until death parts us. This means that we need to be loyal and faithful. It means we should honour our fidelity and that we are bonded in love and life. This is not always easy as the people around us as well as our spouses often let us down in these areas. 

But...have you realised that God is fully committed to you unconditionally and eternally?
2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful, because he cannot be false to himself". This tells us that God can't be anything but faithful to us because when we accepted Him into our life, He committed Himself to us as much, if not more that we committed ourselves to Him.

How often do we slip up in our commitment to God? 
Imagine if God felt let down every time we slipped up in our loyalty, faith and bond with Him.
Think back to how you treated the person after knowing they let you down. Now, imagine if God treated you that way. How would you feel? How often would He do it?

I'm not trying to make you feel guilty but just want you to think about it. God is a forgiving God so why can't we forgive those who trespass against us. I am not saying it's ever easy and I am not saying I get this right in my own life but how would we feel if we did? Would we experience less anger and bitterness? 

So....How committed to Him are you?
God wants us to love Him before we get to meet Him face to face. Like when we marry one, we walk in the blind faith that he/she will stay committed to us no matter what, and so God asks the same of us. He too wants us to walk with  Him with blind faith, knowing that He is committed to help us live the life He intended for us. For every mountain we climb, God is there with us, pushing from behind, urging us not to give up on Him and keep moving towards His promises.

Every time you kneel, never forget that even though those around you might be disloyal or seem uncommitted at times, BE SURE that God is fully committed, loyal and dedicated to you. You are bound to Him in Jesus' blood and nothing can break that bond.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

A Living Legacy

Everyday we watch adverts about leaving a lasting legacy for your loved ones after you have passed away. Most of these adverts are talking about money. For all of us, this is important but also is creating lasting memories so we take photos, send cards, buy gifts, etc. But what about leaving a LIVING LEGACY behind?

I had my Bible open trying to find something to write about this month - too many options! Paging through it, I realised that my Bible contains probably just as many memories as my albums and journals. Notes made next to Scriptures, highlighted verses, lose note references, bookmarks made by my child, thank you notes, etc and then it dawned on me.

One of the things I pray for is that my child gets to know and have a personal relationship with God, grows up walking the path He has laid and feel eternal joy in His love and grace. I also want my  child to be able to find comforting answers and stories when facing issues in their life, especially when I have passed on one day.

It dawned on me that, yes, I want part of my legacy to be that my child has money to survive and cover any costs but as we all know, even money doesn't last and runs out eventually. However, I can leave a LIVING LEGACY behind for my child - my BIBLE - GOD'S WORD.

Together with God's word, I leave memories that can help my child live a wonderful life, see that I also learnt lessons and that she could learn from God and I in one instance. My child can read and page through my Bible knowing that Mom also faced issues and wrestled with God and also laughed and smiled with the same words.

The Bible was written so we could know how God's wants us to live, love and learn. He left the Bible as His LIVING LEGACY for us. So how awesome is it that we can do the same for our children. Many, many years ago, families would pass on family Bibles to their children. Family trees were written in there so their children knew where they came from and I am sure notes were written in them too. Who wouldn't want to know what Crazy Aunt Dot was thinking and feeling?

How comforting it could feel to know that one of your most treasured items will become a LIVING memory for the ones you leave behind.  Those same pages that you cried over, smiled over and read will fill their souls, give them comfort while allowing God to embrace them with His word.

"All Scripture is given by God and is useful for teaching, for showing people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right."
2 Timothy 3:16

What do you want your LIVING LEGACY to be? 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

What's in your box?

In the Bible, Jews tied small leather boxes to their foreheads and left arms. It was a box of scripture.

Always remember these commands I give you today. 
Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 
Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. 
Tie them on your forehead to remind you....
Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 8

In Scripture, God asks us to keep His word and commands in the front of our minds always. He wants us to remember His word because remembering His word will help us live the life He intended. 

On my desk at work, I have a small box of scripture I received as a gift. Every Monday I randomly select a Scripture verse and lean it against my PC speaker and throughout the week, I read it. 

Have I managed to memorise it by the end of the week? With this brain, but I do pray and believe that I have either learnt something or been reminded of something which in turn helps me to live better and behave better. I also hope that it reminds me of God's love and power happening in my life.

I find it interesting that they wore their box of scriptures on their forehead and left arms. It was worn on their foreheads to remind them (i.e. in their memory) and keep the scripture close to the front of their minds. Even back then, Scripture held a special meaning for each person that wore it. I also found it interesting it was worn on their left arms because your left arm is  closest to your heart. Scripture should always be in our hearts and our minds. Even the Jews learnt that simple rule. 

Imagine if we walked around today wearing a small box on our forehead and/or on our left arm. Imagine going up to someone who is wearing one and asking them what's in their box of Scripture? Wouldn't we be conveying the right message to others? Wouldn't it be a great way to discuss God's word?  Wouldn't it be a great way to learn from each other and show love towards each other?

So...why don't we? Each one of us has a "life motto" or a Scripture verse which as a special meaning to us. Let's try to keep that in the front of our minds and on our left arm (i.e. wearing your heart on your sleeve). Let's ask God to give us the confidence to share this with others.

So what will be in your box? 
Will you wear it and live it in your heart and in your mind?

Monday 7 July 2014

Professional brainstorming?

People keep telling me that I have good ideas or good advice when having random chats about others dreams, goals and ideas. It got me there such a thing as a professional brainstormer? Of course, when I said it out loud to myself, I ended up laughing too because who would pay for my time to bounce or discuss ideas around a table to help someone improve a business or start a business. Then I started thinking about it seriously.

Brainstorming is discussing ideas or goals and then coming up with suggestions on how to achieve these goals. Is this the same thing as being a counselor or life coach? 

Sometimes people need another person's "fresh" outlook or perspective of what they think could be a good idea. Sometimes people miss some pros and/or cons regarding their idea. This is where a "brainstormer" could also come in.

So this brief blog this week, is to ask...
What do you think? 
Do you think businesses and/or aspiring business owners would use a service like this?

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Three is One but still Three

This week I finished reading the book Crossroads by WM Paul Young. He also wrote The Shack. I found it fascinating how he imagines the Holy Spirit to be a woman and it got me thinking about understanding the Holy Trinity namely being The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I know many people have also tried to explain it but I thought I would give it a go too.

We are always told that the Holy Trinity is three people but are actually one. Thinking about this made me think about what the Bible says about marriage where two become one. Now, we don't seem to have a problem understanding this concept much does it change adding one more?

Marriage is when two people are unified with God's blessing and therefore become one. Yet, they still operate as two individuals. As a couple we become so in tuned with each other, that we start viewing the two as one. They start being unified by thinking alike, spending time doing different things together and even talking alike. Spending most of our time with our spouse also helps in creating the unification. However, they are also able to operate as their own person. To me, this means that their spirits are combined yet still has the ability to operate individually.  The bond is intimately intertwined with emotion. They are connected yet separate.


So...let's tackle the concept of three. As I am writing this, it's starting to make sense. The Holy Trinity, as mentioned before, consists of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. The Father being God is our creator, our ruler, our saviour. If you drew a triangle, God would be on top. He is the one sitting on top of the mountain overseeing everything on earth. The Son is the man God sent down to earth to forgive and save us from sin. He is the one God sent to teach us. However, God's spirit connects Jesus to God and such they operate as one. The Holy Spirit is the person God sends to live in all of us. The Holy Spirit is also known as our Helper who helps us stop doing wrong, helps us to feel peace and love and helps us live the way God intended. The Holy Spirit also comes from God and has the Lord's spirit coursing through Him which in turn courses through us which connects the Holy Spirit to Jesus and God and as before, they operate as one while still being individual.

Going back to the triangle concept - a triangle can be drawn with a one continuous line yet it has three corners. As per my explanation above, God would be place on top as He is the Overseer of all things. At one corner we would have Jesus, the son as He is our Saviour and at the other corner we would have The Holy Spirit as He lives in us and as you can see are all joined to form One.


As per the marriage the Holy Trinity is also (to me) an intimate bond, a unification of three and full of emotion.
Have I got it right or completely wrong? 
Did it help you understand better or confuse you more? 

Thursday 12 June 2014

Stand Strong

Today, we keep telling each other to "stand strong", to "not give up", to "find strength" in our life. Do we really know what that means? How do we stay strong when we are overwhelmed with life?

In the Bible, strength is a theme that appears regularly. 2 Corinthians 12: 10 tells that through hard times, insults, weaknesses, suffering and all kinds of troubles we can still be happy. We can be happy through our strength. This verse also tells us that when we are weak, we are truly strong. This means that every time and every day, we get up after having people beat us down, we are showing our strength and our ability to see the happiness during the hard times. God's power in our life gives us the strength to walk and work through whatever issues we are facing. Happiness shows our strength which helps us to focus on God's power in our life.

Psalm 18: 1 teaches us that God is our rock when times are tough. We don't need an earthly person to lean on when we feel weak and defeated. We have God to lean on and He is always there, non-judging and loving unconditionally. We don't need to make an appointment to speak to Him when we need a boost of strength. We can approach Him and talk to Him any time, any where, no matter what's going on. He is always listening and watching.

So, how do we keep staying strong when we know life is making us weak? By focusing on God and He keeps us strong and all His asks in return is for us to love Him with all our hearts, all our souls and all our strength (Deuteronomy 6: 5). Sometimes to me, this seems like a daunting goal to achieve. It makes my issues seem easier to deal with than trying to do this but it is a lot easier than it sounds. All God is asking us is to make Him the center of our universe. He wants us to always acknowledge Him, stay in a personal relationship with Him and listen to Him and in return, He will hold our hand and walk the path He has set out for us, even if we don't always understand. God grows our strength through our love for Him.

We can see God's gift of strength all around us. Strength is when a child walks miles to school because he wants to learn. Strength is when an aged tree withstands the storm. Strength is when an abused women won't give up in leaving her abuser and making life better. Strength is when a blossoming flower won't whither when a breeze blows. Strength is as simple as asking for help when we are ashamed of our circumstances. Strength is our ability to face our trials and issues head on, holding God's hand knowing He is teaching us, guiding us and leading us to the life He promised.

Finally, strength is not when we achieved the goals we have set for ourselves, it is the journey we endured to get there.

......STAND STRONG..........
Galations 5: 1

Friday 30 May 2014

Our time

When someone passes away, we tell each other that maybe "it was just their time to go". We seem to use this as a comfort more than a realisation. But do we really know what that means - "its our time". A lot of the time when we say those words, many of us mean that God took them because it was their time to join Him in heaven but do we really understand that and do we really mean what we say when we say those words?

When God calls us to do something we humbly obey and follow his guidance which always ends in joy and success. As Christians, we believe and often express our excitement to join the Lord again in heaven but when the time arrives, we get scared, worried and sad. This confuses me. If we spend our life, no matter how long or short it is, expressing our joy to meet Him again, then why do we get scared and sad. Isn't this what we have been working towards our whole life on earth? Eternal life with the Lord?

This Thursday was Ascension Day and we celebrate it by having a special mass hearing about Jesus' rising into heaven. I often wonder how we would feel if we or the people around us sees our soul rise to heaven when we pass away. Would we still be sad or would it give us joy and/or peace knowing that our loved one's soul is going where we believe it to be?

To me, I can only imagine the scene when Jesus rose. I imagine tears being spent and then all of a sudden bright light showers the skies as Jesus ascends into heaven and the light stops the tears and showers their grief with peace and love, helping them know that even though it was Jesus' time to leave them, He will always be filled with joy, peace and love in heaven. An awesome sight!

On the flip side, I can't imagine if one of our loved one's souls goes the other way. Would that be dark and depressing for the soul and us? But yet, would it also still give us peace in "knowing"? We are very much a "see it to believe it" society and I wonder if this also gets in the way of our faith, of believing in the "unseen"?

Honestly, what I think it comes down to, is we know it happens because God shows us with Jesus and we just have to keep having faith that God knows and that is all that really matters at the end of the day. 

The Bible tells us that their is a time for everything, that God has a plan for each of us and we are in His book. We just have to keep trusting that He knows what's best for us, when He needs us to join Him and be filled with His joy, peace and love.

Friday 16 May 2014

God’s Fruit Basket

Many homes have fruit in a bowl or basket, readily available for everyone to enjoy. We do this as we know fruit is healthy and good for us. It promotes good living. God’s fruits of the Spirit are good for us too. It too promotes a good life.


For most of us, loving our family and friends come easy to us. However, God wants us to love everyone. This is not easy as loving people we don’t know are difficult. We can also find it difficult love our family and friends when they let us down. God wants us to love unconditionally regardless of choices made, lifestyles, colour, etc. He also wants us to love even when we don’t get loved back because God loves us. God loves us unconditionally even when we stray away from Him.


We should feel joy daily because as a Christian, we walk in the presence of God. Believing in God and having faith enables the Holy Spirit to fill us with joy and view each day as blessed gift. God’s joy fills us and we in turn, can share His joy with others.


Walking with God should give us peace but we don’t always feel peaceful. We should have peace in our mind, body and soul. This is also not easy to achieve. There are many things around us that eat at our peace and make us feel restless and uncomfortable. We can find this inner peace by never forgetting that God is in control and holds our hand during the good and bad.


This is a big one, well, for me at least. Being a parent, our patience is tested on a daily basis. We experience this regardless of their ages. As human beings, we become impatient with a lot thing in our lives such as our careers, wealth, relationships and life in general.

The saying “patience is a virtue” is very true as if we can have more and more patience we will start feeling at peace, experiencing God’s joy and love.


We all could do with a bit of kindness. Kindness can be expressed merely by using our manners, “yes ma’am, no ma’am”. I feel good when I have shown kindness especially to someone who seems to be moody and/or rude. Their whole demeanour changes when you use manners to show your appreciation. Most times they will actually look up and smile at you.

Kindness should always be shown even if you think the person doesn’t deserve it. I try to make it a habit as I feel it’s a great habit to have. I don’t think kindness is earned, it is felt and expressed. Kindness changes the other person’s perception of you.

Our God is a kind God who shows mercy and He wants us to be kind as he has been kind to us.


This could mean different things. Goodness could be that you are a genuinely good person. You respect and help others. You are positive and believe in yourself and others.

Goodness could also mean morals. It could be a person who has good morals and values and is not embarrassed to share them with others. Goodness is what you feel inside yourself, how you possibly conduct yourself.  I think goodness can be felt naturally and I think that it could also relate to the decisions we make.


Having faith is believing in the unseen as mentioned in Hebrews 11:1-2. We always tell each other to keep the faith but what does that really mean. This means having faith in God that He will create the outcome that’s right for us. We forget that God is our Father and we are his children hence the fact that sometimes we don’t like his decisions even if deep down we know it’s good for us.

Faith believes in the good of people, believing in ourselves that we can get through with God’s help. Faith believes that our family and friends will be there for us no matter what decisions we make and what happens.

The faith we have in God is the faith He places in us.


To be gentle is to respect others and not to be rude on purpose. Being gentle and caring shows good character and reflects a part of your personality. It is not weak to be gentle as it shows that you have the ability to consider everything around you.

I think gentleness can also encourage kindness, patience and love. God wants us to treat others as we would like to be treated.


Self-control is another big hurdle for many of us. God wants us to practice self-control in all situations and this is not always easy. Anger is due to a lack of self-control. Self-control is also related to sin as if we practice self-control there is less opportunity to sin.

It is also a personal choice. You have the free will to decide to show self-control or lose control and possibly hurt those around you.

We should allow ourselves to feel emotions such as anger but it is want we do with it that shows our self-control. We can also practice self-control when it comes to alcohol, partying and relationships.

Self-control is also God often testing our patience, faithfulness and goodness.

The wonderful thing about God’s fruit basket is that it never empties. No matter how many times we use the fruits of the Spirit, God always tops up the basket so we never run out.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Staying in tune

Doctors, therapists etc keep telling us to listen to our bodies. They tell us to take note when our body changes or feels differently because our body is trying to tell us that something is not necessarily right.

Many of us heed this advice, for example, when we keep getting headaches, we consider having our eyes tested, maybe stress is the cause and/or eventually go for a check up. Another example is when our muscles pain after exercising for a while, we consider reducing or stopping exercising for a while or soak our muscles. Our body talks...we listen.

We can listen to our bodies yet we find it difficult to stay in tune and listen to God.

We notice God's works around us and we all definitely notice when he answers our prayers the why we wanted but we don't always listen.

In this regard we are like children. As parents, sometimes you feel you tell your child to listen to you more than you hug them. Aren't we sometimes like that when God talks? Like children, we only hear what we want to hear, what we like to hear and the answer we are waiting to hear. However, we don't like to hear things God wants us to hear, wants us to learn and many times we could be missing out on great works in our life.

I sometimes wonder if God is like us earthly parents, asking if our ears work or if they are ornaments. Moaning to the angels if we ever hear Him or if we also have selective hearing like our children. do we stay in tune with God?

I think we can do this by being SILENT. Finding a comfortable space, praying to ask God to speak to us in our silence.

We are always encouraged to talk to God which I fully agree with but maybe sometimes that is all we do. Talk, talk, talk and forget to be quiet, just listen.

In our silence God could give and show us important messages, lay our next step on our hearts and breath His love and grace onto us and give us the confidence we need to take HIS next step for us.


We listen to our body now take the time to listen to the One who created it.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Angel's Wings

This week I received a lovely pair of angel wing earrings that I had ordered and it got me wondering......wondering what it would be like if we could physically see and touch our guardian angel on earth.

I can only imagine how it could feel knowing that this perfect being filled with light and God's glory walks besides me to help me, feed my soul and keep me safe. How glorious it could be holding their hand experiencing peace and warmth run through our veins to our souls.

Would we ever feel alone again? Would we ever experience free will, pain, suffering and darkness? I don't think we can fully comprehend what it would feel like. These big wings engulfing us when our spirit seems to be dwindling.

Then I questioned, why many of us find it easier to believe in having guardian angels but not able to fully believe in the God who gave them to us. We know this because in the Bible, Luke talks about how God sent angels to help Jesus. Jesus as a man was perfect. How perfect is God?

The answer I came up with is that God is so big and wonderful that we can't grasp the entirety of his being. Also like many humans, "seeing is believing". Writing this blog, I am still trying to imagine the "size" of God and it overwhelms me how big that really is.

If our guardians are so bright with light, glory, peace, strength, faith, hope, love that God's entrusts us to them, I can only imagine how bright, glorified, peaceful and strong our God is. How filled with faith, hope and love He really is.

Even though I can't see them, it comforts me to know that my Creator has angels he can send to all of us to wrap their wings around me, feed my soul, fill my soul and protect me from evil. It also comforts me that they keep me safe and with God's grace, helps me to walk the path of His will.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

To protect, to serve, to save to heal – who helps them?

A couple of weeks ago, we all saw a YouTube video go viral about police brutality in Cape Town.  Police brutality is around and as I don’t condone it, what made me wonder is what is making the policemen and women so angry that their anger makes them go that far.

A lot of the time, we forget that our civil servants are traumatized and often on a daily basis. Try to imagine the emotions that you would experience if you had to see a murder scene, find a child that was raped, old lady mugged and this could be experienced in one working shift. How do you deal with all of this?

I know you are probably saying to yourself that no one made them choose that job but what would happen if no one chose to be a policeman, a fire-fighter, a nurse? Why aren’t the heads of these departments not making sure that they are being counselled on a regular basis? Why, do a lot of them, when they do get help are stereotyped by their industry?

I was a wife of a police reservist and I remember the look in his eyes when he saw or experienced something that bothered him. Now, imagine, going through all of this and coming home to your family and you can’t even discuss the case with your wife to help you decompress. Yet, your family also has to try and be understanding, coping with the mood swings and stress.  Imagine not knowing fully what your spouse or partner sees on a daily basis. A lot of them also don’t discuss it to protect their family of the harsh realities of the streets outside our front doors.

The psychologists hired by these departments, can they be trusted? Are they trying to encourage the men and women to come and see them or do they wait until they are forced to come and see them? Do they honestly and truly keep confidentiality? I am not blaming them for what is going on but something is clearly wrong. Whatever it is needs to be found and the issues need to be resolved or ways are the people in charge need to finds to help our civil servants cope and manage whatever it is.

Our civil servants should be among the highly paid employees in South Africa. Why, you say? Because our lives are in their hands on a daily basis and I feel, if we look after them, show them we support them and lift their morale, and then maybe they will stay on the straight and narrow to provide us with the best possible service.

In order for them, to reduce their anger, their out lashing of violence, we need to support them and give them the help they need for this anger, their stress and the trauma they experience.

Many of the people I still know in these industries don’t realize that I often see the trauma in their eyes, their face. I can only imagine how they feel when they try their best to protect people they might never know, get the person responsible or lose the person they sweated to save.

I can only imagine what it feels like when you spend so much time on a case, piecing the puzzle together just to see the person walk, the evidence lost and you get the blame. I can only imagine how it must feel to feel like you are working yourself to death and nothing changes. Crime increases, the same people walk the streets, lack of staff, low pay and low morale.  I can only imagine trying to work together to fight a fire, knowing you have already lost people among the flames. I can only imagine how it must feel beating a man’s chest with all the stamina you have to get his heart beating again just to stop with the realization that it was all in vain.

We might not have faith in them but we must also remember that God gave them the calling and the faith to follow the call. A call that asks for self sacrifice, unselfishness, to care without knowing and that we don’t become a policeman/woman, a fire-fighter, a nurse, a teacher, a paramedic, a doctor, we are called to it. I know that some become these things because they need a job but for many God called them to that career. And even though I am also one of those people who get agitated with the lack of service, lack of education, just lack of motivation to give a good service, I still like to believe that there are many roses among the thorns and I pray that when I need them for something serious, God will send His rose to me.