Friday 30 December 2016

Farewell 2016, Welcome 2017

At the beginning of 2016, I took Steve Harvey's advice and made this vision board, deciding that this year was going to be my "selfish" year. A year where I dive into achieving my dreams and following my God given gifts. Well, all I can say is, WHAT A YEAR!

 God does work in mysterious ways and boy, did He show me! In one year, I managed to finally finish my first novel and I submitted it to a competition. I joined a writing workshop which is giving me the encouragement and knowledge to not give up doing what I love. God helped me to the find the time to write and help others by becoming a Chaplain. I'm not rich but God made sure I was provided for! Lastly, I got to spend a wonderful Christmas week-end away with my child.

I didn't get to achieve everything on my vision board but I do know that God allowed me to achieve what He felt I had to do and that's SUCCESS and PROGRESS!

The only thing I found I lost this year was BALANCE. It's interesting, well to me, when one area of your life is flourishing, others suffer and it takes a while before your eyes are opened to realise this as you get so engrossed in that one area. So, in 2017, I will keep doing what I love, serving God and serving others through the gifts He has given me but will now try to balance it all out.

To my readers, thank you for journeying with me in 2016. I pray that my blog have entertained but also taught, encouraged and given you the hope you need to know that God does love you, guide you and has plans that will make you prosper. I look forward to our next adventure in 2017.
Image result for bible verses about new life start off 2017, I encourage you to make your own vision board, put it up where you can see it daily and ask God to help you.

I look forward to seeing and/or hearing about your vision for yourself for 2017.


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Tuesday 29 November 2016

Theme Park Thrills

"Life's a journey, enjoy the ride"

I have heard this statement often but lately, life is more like a theme park filled with roller coasters, water rides, souvenir shops, etc.

Earlier this year, I read a book by Steve Harvey which mentioned that in order to grow your God given gift you have to immerse yourself in that world or industry. Of course, I thought "yeah right" but still gave it try and guess what? Yip, it does help.

I've started to see myself and call myself a writer and counsellor. I joined a writing workshop and love every minute of it. I volunteer as a Chaplain and love the people I have met and work with.

And the more you immerse yourself, the harder it is to stay that way.  Commitment, sacrifice and motivation are habits you try and begin and keep. Immersing yourself in your gift will make you step out of your comfort zone and go places you don't think you can enter.  But believe me, once you face the fear with faith, nothing can stop you from progressing.
God gives us a gift that challenges us and forces us to commit to Him. Our gift makes us sacrifice time with family and friends, in other words the "fun"stuff in order to serve and glorify Him. The Bible tells us that in order to follow God you have to leave your family behind. It don't lie!

Sometimes, God blesses us with such great opportunities to use our gift that we feel like we are drowning, terrified of actually being able to swim to the top and do it! You won't believe the size of my water wings!

And with each visit to the the Theme park called "Life", God gives us wonderful souvenirs (blessings) to keep that encourages us not to give up, to stay focused on Him and trust that He will make our plans prosper.

A few tips when theme parking...don't eat before going on the roller coaster, make sure you love the rain from the water rides and embrace the souvenirs you get.

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Friday 21 October 2016

Water week

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This week has been water week in my house and that was not a good thing. My toilet is broken and I can’t afford to fix it so we have to turn the tap by it on and off whenever we use it. This week my Father forgot to turn the tap off and water flooded my house. As a result, I am sleeping on the floor in my child’s room and my parents are camping out in the lounge. Then to add to it, my geyser started leaking through my parent’s bedroom roof and then I tried to tap the roof gently and a gush of water flowed out, just to add to the damp bedroom floor.

So, I said, okay I proclaimed loudly "Lord, I’m not getting the message." Of course, the innocence of my child shone through as she said; “Now all we need is Noah’s Ark”. Naturally, a chuckle followed that. I was not too impressed!

God preserved Noah because Noah obeyed God. I’m wondering if that’s the message that I need, to obey and do what I am told. In other words, listen to my Father and trust His wisdom.

Ironically, water restrictions were mentioned this week too. It seems I am an island surrounded by water. Soaked in water, gushing water and using water wisely. In my mixed up mind, I understand that I need to surround myself in God’s word, allow His love and grace flow over me and to listen carefully and use His way wisely.

Water is living and all around us. Water is above us and below us. Water makes things grow and it can make things die. Everything needs water to survive; plants, animals, humans.

And God is the same. God is living and all around us. He is above us and below us. He makes things grow and He can make things die. Everything needs God to survive; plants, animals, humans.

God is our living water when we see it and when we can’t. So in order to use His water wisely, we need to soak ourselves in His word, allow His word to gush over us and we need to use His word wisely.

Lord, help me to build Noah’s ark in me so I can appreciate and embrace the water you surround me and others.

As my water week ends, I embrace "camping out" with my child, make sure my water wings are accessible and  to always smile while I swim among the waves of life.

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Wednesday 12 October 2016

True Reality Check

I like to believe that people are trying to discover their true selves and in turn, trying to act more like their true selves. I hold the people around me in high esteem and when they make a decision that scars my high esteem of them, it hurts and disappoints.

The reason I keep people in high esteem is because I can see their true selves and I give them the benefit of the doubt because deep down, I know it's in them even when they don't necessarily see it themselves but then something happens and that high esteem is shattered. The one thing I hate about seeing things about others that not many see is that when they disappoint me, it affects me more on a deeper level because I know it's not who they truly are and it's not who I expect them to be or act.

When I am presented with this, I am faced with the question: Do I broach the subject with them, knowing they will be upset? Do I just not engage them as much as I used to? Do I not allow things to happen again? Do I become guarded?

Am I expecting too much from someone who actually doesn't see their true worth as a person, friend, family, parent etc? Should I lower my level of standards I expect from others so it doesn't occur often?

 Image result for Psalm 118 verse 8-9 

God tells us not to trust in people on earth as they will hurt you, disappoint you and do things differently to you but it's difficult for me when I can see their hearts and how they hide them because they don't know how to handle their true self and how they allow themselves to be how others want them to be.

And if you think about it, that's quite a harsh verse to accept. We love having great friendships, family relationships, etc but yet God tells us to take caution and to rather put your complete trust in Him rather than others. This is not easy to wrap your head around.

The world around us encourages us to trust those we care about it but God says rather trust in Me as I won't hurt you, I won't disappoint you and I won't forsake you.

What I take and understand from this verse is this: I love you because God loves you and love never fails. Love trusts, hopes, stands strong and never ends.

As my heart continues to be scarred and my mind mixed up, I will continue to trust more in God than man even though it is hard for me.

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Wednesday 21 September 2016

A Mixed Up Mind

He places the empty mixing bowl on the stand under the whisks, switching it on. As the bowl turns, He gently pours ingredients in, in His own time. The mixing bowl gets filled and turns like my mixing mind.

Tattooing came to mind this week. I wondered if tattooing really is not accepted in spirituality but then I wondered if  anyone knew that we all have a tattoo stamped on our soul. God branded us when we were created. We are His and His tattoo might be invisible or goes unnoticed but I believe it's there. People get tattoos to remember someone, something they have achieved or a lesson learnt. A God's tattoo on our soul does exactly the same thing. Hmmm....interesting!

My mixed up mind also made me consider the lack of talking about intimacy in spirituality. How even though we speak about it, we still don't speak openly or possible enough about it. People are so worried that it entices temptation but then maybe our faith is not strong enough not to be tempted. I loved being intimate and let's be clear, I am not talking about sex. We need to accept that we need intimacy and we need to be able to talk about it, in order to deal with issues we might have with it. Intimacy is a part of a relationship that makes a person vulnerable, open and non-judgemental. It's connecting on a very personal level with another that is quite difficult to explain. God wants this level of relationship with us too. He wants us to be vulnerable, open and honest with Him. Do you embrace your intimacy?

Lastly, on a more personal, serious and humorous note, I need to learn to love again. This was said to me about a month ago and it repeats in my mind often because it is true. And how do I know this to be so because a few weeks ago I had a guy try and compliment me and I didn't even know he was until he said he was going to give up trying. I laugh at it now but it really made me realise how I have shut down that part of me and that's not necessarily good. I am an outgoing, social person with "safe" people. "Safe" people are family, friends and married people but put a "possibility" in the mix and I shut down completely in fear of actually getting someones attention besides the "safe" attention. I shouldn't be living like this because how can I expect God to work in that area when I can't open that door. do I learn to love again? Where do I find the key to unlock the door? What is the key?

And so my whisks stir the ramblings in my mixing bowl, my mind, as God gently pours them in one by one. God gives us thoughts to question, reflect, learn and ultimately turn to Him for answers. So as the bowl turns I wait to hear the answers for God shapes me like clay, preparing me.

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Monday 5 September 2016

Precious Stones

Am I important?
Do I have worth?
Do I have value?
Image result for YES images

Whether we admit it or not, we all have egos and we all want to be important, worthy and valued. We spend a lot of  our lives hoping to be important, worthy and valuable in someones life. 

The people all around us, friends, family and even strangers tell us we are important to them; that we do give their lives worth and they do value our love and relationship but how often do these people hurt us and disappoint us. Our self-esteem is scarred from the hurts and we feel our value has decreased.  We feel that we are not as important as they made us to believe.

As human beings, we convince ourselves (often without others help) that we are not that important. We tell ourselves we don't have value because we are not good enough, friendly enough, beautiful enough (and so many others!) to be included in certain circles. We make ourselves believe that we are worthless and no one will notice if we are not there.

Regardless of how others might treats us or say, how we feel inside or what we tell ourselves, we are IMPORTANT, we have WORTH and we have VALUE.

But God even knows how many hairs you have on your head.
Don't be afraid. You are worth much more than many sparrows.
Luke 12:7

Think about that for a moment. God knows how many hairs you have on your head! Do you know this? How about family, friends? This is how important you are that God took the time to know and create everything about you. He knows more than even your own parents do! Still feel unimportant?
 Image result for precious stones
You are a treasure, a precious stone in God's treasure chest. There are no two stones that are alike. You are uniquely worthy. Regardless of your jagged edges or your odd shades and colours, God has created you to sparkle and shine. When you start becoming dull, God sends the Holy Spirit to polish you up again to return your shine and your value in the world. No diamond or precious stone in the world could match your worth in God's eyes. 

God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son 
so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

You are so important to God that He offered His own Son for you. You are so worthy that God allowed Himself to go through pain so you can feel worthy on earth. God allowed His Son to die so you will be saved and valued in God's image. God gave up His own flesh and blood so you can become a precious stone in His treasure chest. Still feel unimportant? 




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Monday 29 August 2016

Excellent for God

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 This week-end a group of us were challenged to "Do all things with excellence" and "Do all things to the best of your ability".

We were also reminded that everything we have, we have from God. I laid in my bed that night, looking around my room, realising that, what was all around me, I received it from God. God blessed me with the job to earn the money I needed to buy the things I have.

Let that thought rest for a minute......

It also means that I wouldn't have been blessed with the job and/or money if I wasn't doing everything to the best of my ability. Why? Because the more we give, the more we receive. The more we follow God, the more He blesses us.

It's wonderful knowing that we are all able to do everything to the best of our ability and achieve excellence because God has given us what we need to do this. We need to remind ourselves that we are not doing it for ourselves but to glorify God.

Yes, like all humans, this is not always easy to do especially when you are doing things you don't like but maybe this is the true faith tests. Testing whether we practise what we preach and do things to truly glorify God. Testing whether we can do tasks to the best of ability even when we feel like they are useless.

These thoughts make me sweat as it is a HUGE goal to achieve. And here, I thought writing a novel is big. Achieving excellence for God so I can progress and change. Achieving excellence for God by sharing excellence with others. Achieving excellence for God by trying to be humble and not selfish. This paragraph is wearing me out just thinking about trying to achieve all of this. Can it be done?

So, are you up to the challenge? Do you know that God has given you all the things you need to achieve EXCELLENCE?

Are you willing to strive for excellence to glorify God? Are you willing to share your excellence with others for God? Are you willing to give your best in all things for God? Are you willing to try?

No matter how you answered, DON'T GIVE UP! GOD NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU!

God's got your back if no one else does. It might seem we are going at it alone because we don't have a support system or people who understand but God does! God supports you when you fall and stand tall. God understands everything about you. God gave you the abilities you need.


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Monday 22 August 2016

The Writer's World

“Have the confidence to never stop writing”
Mrs. Doreen Levin

Every third Saturday of every month, I attend a writer’s workshop as I love writing and I need to meet others like me for inspiration, feedback and motivation. I look forward to this time every month but this month’s meeting has stayed with me ever since. 

We had the honour and blessing in meeting, Mrs. Doreen Levin, a retired journalist. Mrs Levin is 85 years young and sits with attentive ears and a sharing smile. I watched and listened as I heard a story about a young lady who didn’t know she could write and had no training in journalism. However, she loved her husband and supported his writing and job by sitting at the typewriter, dancing her fingers across the keys while he dictated his next big article.

Before Mrs. Levin knew it, she was encouraged to give writing a go and discovered that she was (and still is!) very talented and had the instinct to “show not tell” a story. She shared a few of her favourite stories she remembers that made her laugh, cry and creeped her out.

Tears welled in my eyes as I was looking at a woman who lives my dreams, my passions and had so many interesting journeys. I met a woman who lost early in life like me yet still embraces life to the fullest and sees every day as a new adventure, a new sunrise and a fulfilling sunset. 
After silent writing for about an hour, we each share what we have written and we all sat in rapture as we listened to Mrs. Levin describe the house we meet in every month. Her description created soft emotions in me, as I could see, feel, hear, touch and taste her senses as we walked in her shoes. A writer who writes with raw passion is wonderful to listen to. 
God brings new people into our life to teach us, to share with us and remind us that time spent doing what He has blessed us with is never time wasted. I might have discovered this a bit late in life but I am so glad I discovered it because life is so dull when you are doing what you thought you should be doing and not what God gifted you with. 

God wants us to love each other by sharing with others. He wants us to be open to knowledge, open to help and open to love and be loved as He sends other people to bless us and do His will. We don't meet people by mistake. We meet people by God's moving hands. And never forget that a blessed encounter is a merciful memory for life. 

I sit with tears gathering in my eyes again as I think of Mrs. Levin. I just want to embrace her with love and hugs and just sit in her presence. Mrs. Levin might not be a “front page” celebrity or a “billboard” beauty but like many of God’s people, she is famous in the background and I am blessed to have met one of His famous, background beauties of our day. 

Monday 15 August 2016


Then I will go to the altar of God,
to God who is my joy and happiness
I will praise you with a harp,
God, my God
Psalm 43:4

Last week, the word "joy" popped up everywhere. On the television, in books and talking people. I'm still out of focus so just sent a "Still not getting the message, Lord" above and went with the flow.

Then, Saturday afternoon arrived and once again, I was asked to share scripture and pray for others in front of others on Sunday. It's amazing how jobs always have aspects about them, you don't like doing. Like most humans, nerves and fear kicked in and different ideas ran through my mixed up mind.

Anyway, so I decided to share "joy"with them, especially since this was my word (apparently!) for the week. I encouraged them to see the joy in all things and aspects of their lives whether it was going good or bad. In my ears, it didn't sound "powerful" but I noticed smiles and heads nodding.

Sunday afternoon came and  I had to say good-bye to family members who have decided to seek adventures, challenges and changes in another land. Yip, you got it! And that's when JOY hit me. I wasn't upset to say good-bye and no tears seemed to fall. I returned home and I pondered and realised what God's message was for me. I also had to see JOY in all areas of my life.

I am so happy for my family because God is guiding them to bigger and greater blessings. Of course, I will miss them but don't we keep telling each other how we want each other to be happy regardless of what it is or where it needs to happen?  God wants to give them blessings that we can't give and I realised that sometimes God makes us suffer to better others and in the long run I have no doubt this change will be a blessing to me too.

JOY is in the tears we cry to say GOOD BYE
JOY is in the smile we share to show we CARE
JOY is in the pain we feel to start to HEAL
JOY is in the way God FORGIVES
JOY is finally all and more that God GIVES


So, this week seek JOY in EVERYTHING!

Thursday 4 August 2016

Blank and Silent

My focus has lessened. I sit here typing, trying to think of what to write about this week. The page is as blank as my mind. God is silent while the body seems to be too busy. I can't pray, can't read scripture yet feel the immense pull to love the people around me.

One thought I have been thinking about is butterflies. A specific butterfly. For many days, when I am alone in body and mind, a pale yellow winged butterfly would fly near me. It would flutter a few times nearing me and then fly off, not to be seen again until next time.


I have been considering that maybe God is reminding me that even though He is silent, He is always right next to me, working in my life, laying the bricks on my path for His next step for me.

Maybe God is trying to encourage me to be silent. Silent without distractions like the noise of pages being turned trying to find the scripture God wants me to read or trying to find the words to pray properly.

It's interesting how we are so scared of silence. Silence means actually sitting in our own presence with our own thoughts. Why does silence scare us so much? Why does silence make us think that something must be wrong?

Maybe God falls silent so we will fall silent too so He can actually step forward and speak to us, knowing that we have finally allowed ourselves to listen to our own breathing and our own heartbeat.

So, here I sit with a page that started being blank but now with God's grace has been filled. However, I shall try to sit in silence with a closed Bible and quiet mouth, giving God a chance to do what He does best.......Bless me with His blessed whispers.

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 Even fools seem to be wise if they keep quiet;
if they don't speak, they appear to understand.
Proverbs 17:28

Monday 1 August 2016

Book Review: A Plain Story by Isaac Petersen


This book crossed my path by chance or as I know it by God's hand. My Mother came home and told me there is an article about a book that sounds interesting. Now, my taste and my Mother's tastes in books are very different so I didn't really take too much note but being the good daughter I am (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) I read the article. Little did I know that I would be filled with immense pride about a author I knew nothing about. So, I had to buy this book because it caught my attention and emotion.

A Plain Story is exactly that except it is "perfectly"plain yet powerful. Isaac Petersen tells his life story about growing up in Mitchells Plain, getting involved in a lifestyle different to the one he was raised in and how his life is transformed from bad choices to God's blessings.

He writes well and you can see him in his car, trying to look "gangster"while being thin from his addiction. You can see him in your mind, at the club, showing the ladies his dance moves getting their attention. 

You can relate to his story because his story is your and my story. We grow up thinking our story is like everyone else, plain and ordinary but Isaac shows us that his plain story has meaning and is being shared with others to show us that God works in "plain" settings.

It is refreshing to read about someone local and unknown. It gives it a more "real" feel to it because you know Isaac is writing this because he feels he needs to share it with whoever gives him the chance.

A Plain Story might not be a best seller but it is a story to be shared. If you can, get yourself a copy and you might find yourself among the pages. Just like I did!

Give Isaac the opportunity to share his life with you while getting you to ask the question: Can God save me too?

For information on A Plain Story and Isaac, visit his
Or Get a copy by e-mailing Isaac direct on:

Thursday 21 July 2016

Spiritual Strength

First, a little background to my story. I am currently doing my three months orientation to be a volunteer Chaplain for the Fire Department and believe me when I say this opportunity scares me and God really has taken me out of my comfort zone because I am doing this on my own in a world I don't know.  I don't even know if this is where God wants me to be but I know He will tell me. And now my story.....

This week, I have to prepare some words of encouragement as part of my Chaplaincy orientation for this coming Sunday and I am terrified but I silenced myself  and gave my fear to God. The word "hero" kept filling my mind. And like a good believer, I whipped out my Bible and starting searching and reflecting on what it means to be a hero. I had so many thoughts going on in my mind that I gave myself a headache and left my attempt for another day.  I was mentally tired over this and then last night in an episode of Chicago Fire, a Chaplain mentioned Philipians 4: 13.

Getting the message (especially the scene was a discussion between a Chaplain and a Fire Fighter!) after 8 pm, I jumped up and made to sure to write it down, with my Mother watching me race around the room looking for pen and paper. Yip, I'm that weird!

What I didn't realise was that the message I will be using this Sunday is also a message for me. I need spiritual strength to try to be a Chaplain because the men need me. I can't be their rock if I don't have a rock to support me and I was reminded that God is my rock. He will be standing with me when my hands will be shaking and my voice croaky on Sunday but I know that the men need to hear it. I still don't know exactly what I am going to say. I just pray God gives me the words to share.

We all need spiritual strength because sometimes physical strength is just not enough. Our heart and soul needs support when we find ourselves facing unknown outcomes, fears and even good opportunities. Everything on earth is uncertain and unknown. We can do all things as long as we focus on God because our mistakes can be God's works and our successes can be God's blessings for us. 

We also need to keep up our spiritual strength by praying and reading scripture. By talking to others in our church community. Praising God helps with our spiritual strength too. 

Whether I make a good Chaplain or not and whether they keep me as one, I do know that God is using this chapter in my life for His good and I know in the long run for my good too. A lesson learned, whether a success or a failure, is how we grow in all things and in all things God strengthens us.

God gives us spiritual strength to help us put our own anxieties aside to be able to help others because God knows others need our human strength to share His spiritual strength. We are after all His servants.

I pray that God strengthens you in all things that you are doing and that you never forget to listen to God because He is working in your life to strengthen and prepare you mentally, physically and spiritually for blessings He is and will be bestowing upon you. 

How is God strengthening you in all things? I would love to hear from you.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Winter Blues means Darker Days (Pt. 2)

So, I return to darkness because it feels like home now. The light scares me. I don’t know it anymore. I see its glow beneath the door in front of me. I turn and look at the window, seeing the moon and just enough stars to feel at home. The light from the corner from the golden writing also catches my attention.  I get anxious and my clothes feel like they are choking me.  The light seems to be growing all around me. Where’s the darkness when I need it?

I can’t feel the cold nibbling my feet anymore. It feels like a gentle heat falling on my feet. I try and bring my feet as close to my body as possible. I don’t want to feel it. My tears fall icily down my cheeks as I beg the moon with my silence for the darkening comfort.  

The gold writing seems to grow in light too as I glance over there. Letters shimmer in the moon light, urging me to open it up and read.  What harm could it do to read it.....again? I wonder as the light grows.

It’s the first time, I noticed it, noticed that night actually still turned to day.  The stream shoots through the window.  I jump out of the stream. My moon and stars have disappeared. Where did my darkness go?  I smile as I look at the stream of light. I can still feel the darkness here. I’m not scared but the stream of light creates curiosity. What would happen if it touched me?

Hesitantly, I slowly wiggle my fingers forward until they are wiggling in the stream. It feels like heat was falling on my fingers. The heat feels like a snake sliding up my arm. My skin is tingling under its power. I close my eyes embracing the sun snake as it slithering seems to spread.

Unable to bear its power, I open my eyes, fresh tears falling as I find my whole body basking in the sun. My soul has returned to the light I knew before.  My soul urges me to pick up the shimmering gold writing in the dark corner. Stepping out of the sun again, I visit the darkness as I pick up the book. I rush back into the stream of light. This is where I need to be.

The darkness has disappeared and the cold no longer nibbles. I turn around and listen again. The joy of the outsiders makes me smile. I will venture there soon but not yet.

My soul has returned home. My mind and body is on its way too. 

God has freed us from the power of darkness,
And he brought us into the kingdom of his dear Son.
Colossians 1: 13