Tuesday 13 November 2018

Day 13: Diamonds in my rough

Glue sticks many things together like paper, wood, pictures and even material. Glue can seal an opening or mend many broken pieces but it can never take away the scars or the cracks.

There are many days where we wish we had glue to repair what’s broken or going wrong. Glue that stick different shapes, shades or pictures together to make happier ones or better ones. However, even life’s glue, can’t take the scars away, the emotions felt and the memories made.

Having a bad day is part of life and sometimes we go into survival mode just to get through the day. For me, no matter how hard my day is, I try to smile through it. Yes, I’m human, so I complain to any willing ear but even I, get tired of hearing my sad self sorrows.

My smiles come from the love I feel from my family, friends and certain work colleagues. It’s in their shared laughter and love with each other. It’s the one positive word or hug they give me to uplift me and keep me motivated.

What helps me through a rough day is that chocolate I need to melt in my mouth to bring me joy (being a chocoholic and all!). That one song that fills my heart with rhythm, making me dance in the dark alone.

It’s even when I can read or write for a few minutes in my lunch break to remind me of my passion and purpose. It’s the reminder that God loves me, moulds me and walks with me down every passage.

At the end of a really rough day, it’s the smile I get from my boyfriend when he sees me and the giggles I share with my child.

Glue for me comes in many shapes, sizes, colours, sounds and senses but they all seal my cracks until the glue wears away again.

My glue around me helps me to know that I. AM. ENOUGH.

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