Wednesday 7 November 2018

Day 6: Looking for Love

Seeing friends try online dating and succeeding at it, I, for many years, considered it but being the introvert that I am, I kept deciding not to try it until my daughter decided to tell me that I needed to get a life and a boyfriend. Children tell it like it is (well, as they see it!)

So, I put my big girl panties on and decided to try it. With a nervous laugh emitting from my mouth, I registered and waited. At first, I won’t lie, it felt exciting, like I actually was making an effort to put myself out there, finally, after so many years. However, after less than one day, I decided to delete my account.

Every time I logged in and scrolled through pictures, I felt like I was shopping online and these men were products. I felt sorry for them. It made me wonder what could be so “wrong” with them that they couldn’t find a partner through human interaction. I felt guilty “shopping online”. It made me wonder what others might think about me when seeing my profile picture among the many.

I couldn’t bring myself to spend time scrolling through pictures, reading bios and making judgements on face value. I just felt they deserved to be treated better and deserved more.

My online dating experience lasted less than 24 hours and honestly, I’m glad I didn’t venture further into it.

Anyway, little did I know that my love life would change……

Image result for online dating funny quote

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