Sunday 4 November 2018

Day 4: Life Changing News

Lying in my bed awake, I thought I would be ready for the call but I wasn’t. I knew the call was coming. I just didn’t know when it will happen until that night. I had just left the hospital and was trying to relax my pregnant body for another night when the sound of the phone made my heart stop mid-beat.

The voice on the other end told me that my husband had passed away. Silence filled the air in the car as my brother-in-law drove while my father came with. I had all the support I needed but I still felt like the loneliest woman in the world. As soon as that phone call happened, my life changed.

In a matter of a few minutes, I become a young widow and a single mother. It’s times like this when you realise that your life can actually change in a matter of seconds and minutes.

It was less than 18 months before that I become a wife and then I become a widow. After being at the hospital and seeing my husband for the last time, I went home to a house full of people who loved me and who didn’t want me to be alone. No matter who was there, I was still alone in my mind, body and soul.

My mind was filled with questions, my body was tired and weary, and my soul was dry. No one could understand how I was feeling and what I was going through even when they tried.

Through months and years, I had to depend on my faith, allowing God to give me what I need to grief while raising a child and working. My faith hit highs and lows but in the end, as I sit and write this blog, 13 years later, I know that I am enough for my daughter and I. It hasn’t been easy and it has been lonely but now, I smile through my struggles and triumphs because I know that God has got my back and no matter what mistakes I make, He knows what I need and when I need it.

No matter what news whether good or bad changes your life, just knows that God is with you, holds you and believes that….YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.

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