Wednesday 21 November 2018

Day 17: Light

Every day we have the chance to turn towards the sun instead of settle in the darkness. Day 17 blog has been a difficult one for me to write because I am not in the space to embrace light and for the life of me, could not think of a time where I chose to walk in the light instead of settling for darkness.

This actually breaks my heart because we should all be walking in light every day regardless of what is going on in our life. We have been blessed with LIFE! The ability to laugh, love, live and share it with others. No one, not even God, said that life on earth will be easy. Trials, some small, some huge, appear in life and often they seem like mountains that can’t be climbed over but God moves mountains for us so we can continue to walk in light, His light.

So, why are there times when we can’t bring ourselves to walk in light? What does light represent for you?

For me, light is the warmth of the sun on my face on a tough day. Light is the step in my walk when something has finally worked out for the best. Light is when the burdens weighing on my shoulders have been sorted out even if it’s for a short while. Light is what I feel when I laugh with my loved ones. Light is the lamp next to my bed that makes it possible to follow my passion of writing and reading.

Light is all around us, within us and created for us to enjoy. As I am typing this blog, the sun is gently setting behind the mountain, dusk beginning to fall for nightfall to fill the sky with stars but even in darkness, we can experience light. Light can be felt when we cuddle to our special person or pet in our life. Light is when our shoulders relax as we settle in our bed. Light is the slight breath during a good night’s sleep.

I might not be feeling the light right now but I’m glad that I know what light means for me and that I, like everyone, can return to walk in the light God has created for me. But now, I think I need to stare at the stars, twinkling with light and convince myself that tomorrow’s light will shine with goodness on my face and within my soul again because I. AM. ENOUGH.

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