Friday 2 November 2018

Day 2: God's wink

God winks at me regularly but it seems to take me longer to see it. The most important wink God sent me was when I received the Holy Spirit into my heart as an adult.

It was a Saturday morning and like most Saturdays, I was shopping with my family. A must of mine when shopping in this particular mall is stopping into our local Christian book store. This shop always feels peaceful and I can spend hours in here, looking at novels, reference books, gifts and dvds.

On this particular morning, I was scanning the shelves when all of a sudden I felt this strange overwhelming emotion of peace and grace comes over me. I had never felt anything like this before. Ironically, there was no other people in the shop except for the cashier behind the till where she couldn’t see me.

The feeling felt good and I wasn’t sure what it was until I stepped out the door. My eyes saw everything around me clearer, cleaner and brighter. Colours stood out, people looked different and I walked like I was floating on air.

When I got home, I closed the bedroom door behind me and just sat thinking about my experience. I had received the forgiveness of sin, the grace and love of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God had winked at me in the biggest way ever.

When I see and realise God’s wink, I feel extreme joy and give Him the glory because He is the one whose wink changes my life, teaches me more and helps me make the right decisions.

God’s eyes are the only eyes I want to focus on and I can’t wait to smile at all the winks He has install for you and I.
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