Wednesday 14 November 2018

Day 14: Group is good

Just the thought of sitting around in a circle, facing strangers, makes me a little anxious. Group therapy is a good thing especially if you feel you are alone with a problem. It shows you that you are not alone and that there are others who have some understanding.

I have not participated in group therapy, only because I have not needed it or been offered to join in.

Group therapy is daunting and at first, I’m sure any person would be nervous. However, it’s a big step towards progress and healing. We don’t like to talk about ourselves but in this setting it is encouraged and accepted. No one judges you and no one has the right to.

I have not participated in group therapy because I have as yet had not needed it and haven’t felt to attend any sessions. If I felt I needed it or advised by a medical professional, I will do it. For me too, it will be scary, anxious and I would probably spend the first few sessions listening and not talking but eventually, I will have the courage to talk, to express myself and gain understanding from the rest of the group.

If you have been encouraged to go for group therapy, let me encourage you too, even if you just sit and listen. You will hear similar stories, see everyday folks and even learn something that might help in your healing process.

Never be embarrassed to seek help because the first step to healing is acknowledging that you need help and then finding the way to help yourself. You don’t have to do it alone.

Let group therapy help you realise that YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.

Image result for seeking help inspirational quote

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