Saturday 3 November 2018

Day 3: God Found Me

Sitting at my desk for the past seventeen years made me realise that I actually got lost in one spot. My brain wasn’t being stimulated and my spirit was dying because I wasn’t doing what I loved.

Sitting at this desk, God winked at me, making me realise what my passions were. Every time I write, my mood changes, my being is immediately filled with joy and any negativity I felt before is replaced with peace and happiness. I also realised that when I was helping others work through their problems, I felt the exact same thing.

I had to lose myself completely in order for God to show me what I really loved doing and how I can use the talents He gave me to honour and serve Him by following my passion, my purpose and serving others.

As I write this blog, I changed careers to get out of my seventeen year rut only to discover that I am losing myself again. However, I have learnt from my previous rut and have made the jump to start my own business while still writing. I use my passion for counselling to help the colleagues I have currently around me with their problems and daily stresses.

God found me and I am trying to face the fear and allow Him to show me that I can be successful in His eyes while helping others. I pray that God keeps finding me.

I pray that God shows you the way to be found if you are feeling lost and believe me; if God is telling you to do something completely out of your comfort zone, go for it!

God wants you to know that….YOU. ARE. ENOUGH.

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